BRANDEN GATES STUDIOS:   Stained Glass Windows for your Home, Tiffany Windows          copy right 2017 by Branden Gates Art and Production Ltd.  und Mathias Oehlert                     auf deutscher Sprache
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magische Glaskunst von Branden Gates



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stained glass for your home

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I was looking through some old fotos of windows we did for our customers and found a picture I would like to share with you: back in my Canadian times an older couple called me asking for help. I went over to their home and saw that right in front of their dining room window was neighbour's brick wall.


Next time I will post the foto of our stained glass window which should cover this horrific view
+ + +  posted by Mathias  + + +  11. November 2017   + + +

Recently we posted the following picture in facebook. Some of you asked me for some background stories to this Tiffany Windows.

Lady in Greece with Tiffany art windows

Last year one of our clients asked us to make a couple of Tiffany-Style windows, which he can display in the garden of hid villa in Greece. We  gladly complied and he sent us the following pictures. While our windows will be the envy of his visitors, we are envies of the weather.

      Tiffanyglaskunst von Branden Gates Studios für Herrn HW Geißendörfer in Griechenland 1     Tiffanyglaskunst von Branden Gates Studios für Herrn HW Geißendörfer in Griechenland 2

          + + +  posted by Mathias  + + +  4. November 2017   + + +    


It is a while that we had a request of on other client to make for his office a window depicting a train.

Tiffanyfenster mit V200 Lokomotive

This is a picture of a famous german Diesel Train, the V200. It was popular in the 1950th and 60th.

V200 Lokomotive        Bürofenster Tiffany mit V200 Lokomotive    
 + + + posted by Patrick + + +  8. October 2017 + + +  
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          BRANDEN GATES STUDIOSCustom made Stained Glass Windows for  your home, Church Windows and Synagogue  Windows, Stained  Glass Repairs and  Tiffany-Style Windo w Inserts. copy right by Branden Gates  Studios 2017